Jostling crowds and traffic can often obscure the view of our magnificent capital.
Wheelchair users and their carers will be able to get a clearer view of the city by visiting our Gowring Mobility's roadshow and collecting a free ticket to the London Eye or gaining a different perspective by enjoying a circular sightseeing cruise on the River Thames.
The aim of the new programme, sponsored by Gowrings Mobility, is to inspire people with disabilities to experience attractions and places of interest they may not have otherwise considered.
Gowrings Mobility will be on hand to provide information and advice for anyone with mobility difficulties and their carers.
Visitors wishing to take advantage of this offer during the Roadshow should call Gowrings Mobility on 0845 608 8020 before 4 May to book a time slot on the London Eye or the London Eye Cruise to avoid disappointment.
All roadshow visitors will also receive a free Rough Guide to Accessible Britain book worth £6.99.
London Eye
Riverside Building, County Hall Westminster Bridge Road, SE1 7PB
info • what's on @ • map
Daily from 10am; last flight varies from 8pm to 9.30pm
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