The gallery will be open throughout the day hosting a variety of art-related activities. There will be free drop-in workshops for children and families throughout the day, including the creation of a collaborative piece of art which will be donated to the Refugee Council, scheduled art workshops carried out by 7th Layer artists, along with an exhibition, music and art performances.
Supporters all over the country will be putting the kettle on to show their solidarity for refugees and asylum seekers around the world during this year's Human Rights Day on 10th December. RefuTEA parties across England will be raising vital funds and awareness for the Refugee Council's work protecting the rights of refugees.
The event will take place at the Topolski Century Gallery which shows the work of Feliks Topolski. Topolski (1907-1989) left Warsaw, where he was born, in 1935 to come to England and stayed as an émigré artist, becoming an official war artist for World War II. Through his lifelong work he recorded battles for human rights and civil liberties, including the Black Panthers and Martin Luther King, and followed the path of the refugees through anti-colonial struggles in Africa and Asia. He incorporated these memories and testimonies within his monumental murals in the Century Gallery, as a means of sharing them with the public and future generations.
Topolski Century
Arches 150-152 Hungerford Bridge, Concert Hall Approach, SE1 8XU
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