The thrilling stories of some of history's most fanatical plant-hunting adventurers are brought to life.
The exhibition of material from the world-renowned RHS Lindley Library will tell the story of many of history's most important plant collectors, who travelled the globe and risked death, disease and bandits to transform our landscapes and grow our knowledge about plants and horticulture.
Featuring many previously unseen artefacts from the RHS Lindley Library collection, this exhibition demonstrates how international plant hunting has influenced our modern British gardens.
The exhibition also shows the wider impact of plant collecting on our world, from its influence in medicine and science to the role it has played in biodiversity and other environmental issues.
Garden Museum
Lambeth Palace Road, SE1 7LB
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Sun-Fri 10.30am-5pm; Sat 10.30am-4pm; closed 1st Mon of month
£10 (concessions available)
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