David Cameron has pledged to defeat the "poison" of Islamist extremism and deal with "the failures of integration", which he recently called "the struggle of our generation".
This autumn, his government plans to introduce tough new measures to "undermine and eliminate extremism in all its forms." But, is an effective 'counter-extremism' strategy' primarily about prevention or should we be looking elsewhere? Is there a counter-narrative capable of reversing the present trend and bringing peace in our multi-faith, multi-cultural communities?
Sami Awad is a 44 year old from Bethlehem where he works in conflict resolution, democracy, and peace-making through non-violence.
His huge experience is particularly relevant to our current national conversation around the pressing issues of radicalisation, gangs and building peaceful, diverse yet inclusive local communities.
What can British communities learn from the experiences of Palestinian and Israeli Peacemakers?
The panel will include members of the team from Three Faiths Forum and Citizens UK to discuss how their work influences this debate as well as Ben Yaeger, a British Israeli Jew formerly of the Israeli army who, following the realisation that what he was doing was wrong founded Moving Conflicts to explore how we transform conflict in our societies.
Oasis Charities Parliament is joined by Amos Trust, Three Faiths Forum and Citizens UK in organising this event.
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