To celebrate Real Nappy Week, local parents are invited to attend live demos to find out about real nappies and how they can claim their free trial pack worth £50.
Parents or soon to be parents, who live in Southwark, are invited to attend the demonstrations to find out more about the benefits of reusable nappies. For example, using just one real nappy a day, in place of a disposable one, would prevent 730 nappies from being sent for energy recovery.
Using cloth nappies instead of disposables not only helps to save the environment but helps to save families money too. By washing nappies parents can save approximately £500 per baby and if nappies are used for more than one child, the cost savings add up considerably.
In the UK, 8 million disposable nappies are thrown away, every day. The plastic in disposable nappies means that they can take up to 500 years to break down. Parents across Southwark have been helping to reduce the number of nappies that are thrown away by making the switch to reusable nappies.
In 2017, over 250 Southwark parents took advantage of Veolia Southwark's free real nappy pack. The pack, which is worth £50, includes a selection of nappies for parents to try.
To promote the give away and celebrate Real Nappy Week (23-27 April), Veolia Southwark will be hosting free real nappy demonstrations at local library baby and toddler sessions.
The team will also be on hand to answer questions about using real nappies and how to apply for the free trial pack.
Parents who are unable to attend can find out more and apply for a free nappy pack by filling in an online form at
John Harvard Library
211 Borough High Street, SE1 1JA
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