There may not be many traces of them left today, but Southwark was once home to many burial grounds, from plague pits and poor grounds to rural churchyards and graveyards hemmed in by houses and industrial buildings. To tell the story of these burial grounds is to tell the story of Southwark, its churches and hospitals, and the people who lived and died there - rich, poor, and everyone in between. This guided walk will tell the story of these lost and often long-forgotten graveyards, taking in a circular route around Southwark and finishing up back at Southwark Cathedral.
Your tour guide will be Caroline Swan: historian, graveyard enthusiast and author of the popular Flickering Lamps blog.
This walk will take 1.5 hours and starts from the Cathedral Welcome Desk at the West Entrance.
Southwark Cathedral
London Bridge, SE1 9DA
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