Southwark has been a neighbourhood of brewers and inns for many centuries with those in charge having close connections to the local church.
Pilgrims stayed at the inns. Inn keepers attended the local church and were involved in the day to day politics of the area. Brewers also participated in local affairs; some helped fund work to the church. Locals used the inns, worked for the brewers and even picked the hops. Southwark's history and the story of St Saviours (Southwark Cathedral) are interwoven with the history of beer, brewers and inns.
Join George Hoyle in Southwark Cathedral and learn about brewing, its history in Southwark, and the links with the Cathedral.
There will be some songs and an opportunity to drink small beer too…
This tour runs for an hour.
Please meet by the Cathedral Welcome Desk at 6.45pm.
Southwark Cathedral
London Bridge, SE1 9DA
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