(Post Works) will create a new environment within The Architecture Foundation's Project Space that will act as a frame for a series of events that explore the relationship between architecture, the city and performance.
The exhibition will be an extension of Post Works' recent works Stage City (part of The Royal Academy's Summer Exhibition) and No Stop Statue Machine, a film that presents a world where buildings weep, infrastructures conduct people's thoughts and staircases become machines for endless exercise, recently shown at the ICA, London.
Post Works will reconfigure the AF Project Space with a series of theatrical props and architectural characters including rigging, curtains, lighting and screens, creating a backdrop that will develop and transform through re-configuration and addition throughout the exhibition's programme of live events and interventions. Key to this exhibition is the idea that architecture can activate events and recompose and reframe content; whether in the city itself or a gallery environment.
Architecture Foundation
Magdalen House, 136-148 Tooley Street, SE1 2TU
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Tue-Sat 12 noon-6pm
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