London SE1 community website

Revealing the River Neckinger

This event is in the past. This is an archive page for reference.

The Neckinger is one of London's lost rivers, buried beneath the streets, its course links key areas within the neighbourhood of Southwark's Bankside.

On this walk you will uncover layers of social history and cultural curiosity, and find out about the controversies that still linger along its route. Join Tom Bolton, author of London's Lost Rivers: A Walker's Guide.

Part of a series of accompanied participatory investigations into London neighbourhoods – you put the art in by participating – produced by Andrew Stuck from the Museum of Walking.

  • 6.15pm
  • £12; booking essential (£2 discount if you wear blue)

Bernie Spain Gardens
Upper Ground, London, SE1 9PP
infowhat's on @map

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