This exhibition, curated for the Design Museum by Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby, captures over twenty objects mid-manufacture, putting the aesthetic of the unfinished centre stage. Varying from the £2 coin to a cricket bat, a surprising range of objects have been chosen by British designers Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby, founders of the design studio Barber & Osgerby, to be exhibited in an unfinished state, celebrating the intriguing beauty of the production process.
The objects have been selected because they each have an unexpected quality about them in those moments, hours or days before they assume their final, recognisable form. These points in the making process capture a peculiar and unconventional slice of time in the production of everyday objects such as tennis balls, banknotes and even diamonds.
The show gives a glimpse of the designers' ongoing dialogue with manufacturing that is so distinctive to their practice. Throughout their careers, Edward and Jay have had a technical curiosity and fascination with the making process. The way in which things are created has had a profound influence on them and continually inspires their work.
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