What happens when site-specific installations are moved to a new setting? Does the work either gain or lose significance when it is taken out of its original contextual setting?
Leaving Home explores these questions and more in a group show at CAA, guest curated by Matt Smith, Polly Harknett and Caitlin Heffernan. Redeploying contemporary craft objects originally made to be shown in the recent 'Unravelled' series of exhibitions at three National Trust properties in the South East, Leaving Home includes work by CAA members Sally Freshwater, Robert Cooper and Matt Smith, as well as a number of guest artists. The show spotlights conceptual explorations in contemporary craft that are not simply exercises in stretching and developing maker practice and current dialogue about the applied arts: the work shown in Leaving Home is also diverse, intriguing and of exceptional quality.
Contemporary Applied Arts Gallery
89 Southwark Street, SE1 0HX
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Mon-Sat 10am-6pm; Sun 11am-5pm
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