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Professor Menno Schilthuizen

Nature's Nether Regions

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Professor Menno Schilthuizen from Naturalis Biodiversity Center and Leiden University talking about everyone's favourite topic - genitals.

What’s the easiest way to tell species apart? Check their genitals. Scientists are now beginning to understand that the wild diversity of sex organs across species can tell us a lot about evolution.

Menno invites his audience to join him as he uncovers the ways the shapes and functions of genitalia have been molded by complex Darwinian struggles: penises that have lost their spines but evolved appendages to displace sperm; female orgasms that select or reject semen from males, in turn subtly modifying the females’ genital shape.

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  • 7pm
  • FREE collection to cover expenses

The Old King's Head
Kings Head Yard, 45-49 Borough High Street, London, SE1 1NA
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