London SE1 community website

Borough, Bankside & Walworth Community Council

This event is in the past. This is an archive page for reference.

Meeting for Cathedrals, Chaucer, East Walworth, Newington and Faraday wards.

The theme of the meeting is "a place to call home" - homelessness and housing allocations.

Have you ever wondered how the bidding system works? Then come along to the meeting and find out more.

At the meeting Cllr Stephanie Cryan, Southwark's deputy leader and cabinet member for housing will talk about the boorugh's housing policies, future plans and the bidding system.

Also John Bibby from Shelter will speak about issues around homelessness.

  • 7.30pm (registration from 6.45pm)

New Covenant Church
506-510 Old Kent Road, London, SE1 5BA
infowhat's on @map


This event is in the past. This is an archive page for reference.
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