Kate Tiernan presents a new exhibition of work incorporating sound, moving image and sculpture developed during her time at Platform.
Civic Virtue examines the cultivation of habits for living that are claimed to be important for the success of a community. Closely linked to the concept of citizenship, civic virtue is often conceived as the dedication of citizens to the common welfare of their community even at the cost of their individual interests. The identification of the character traits that constitute civic virtue has been a major concern of political philosophy.
Free Workshop: Thursday 20th 1pm-2pm & Thursday 27th April 1pm-2pm
No experience required come along and explore some of the themes around the exhibition through making and discussion - open to all ages.
Panel Discussion: Thursday 20th April 7pm - 9pm 'Civic Virtue'
Performance: Friday 21st & Saturday 22nd & 25th-28th April 8pm-9pm
Duration 1hr
Platform Southwark
1 Joan Street, SE1
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