Lambeth is funding another summer of Dr Bike sessions.
The council wants people to continue cycling even if their bikes have been allowed to get into a state of disrepair.
Bring your bike along to one of these sessions and a Cycle Confident mechanic will spend 15 minutes checking it for roadworthiness and fixing any minor issues they can in the allotted time.
If there are more serious problems the mechanic will advise you of the issues so you can take your bike to a local bike shop armed with the relevant knowledge.
Free security bike marking with BikeRegister and the Lambeth Safer Transport team of the Met Police will also be attending the sessions.
Many bikes have now been returned to their owners in Lambeth as a result of this service.
Bikes are marked and then placed on a national database, if your bike is stolen flag it up and if it is recovered by the police anywhere in the country it will be returned to you.
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