Dr James Parkinson’s understanding of the disease that now bears his name was the result of a lifetime in practice as a London surgeon-apothecary. His Essay on the Shaking Palsy (1817) drew on his keen observations in his Hoxton consulting room, his patients’ homes and on the streets of London and his recognition that the trembling and agitation, bent posture, gait and frustrated volition previously thought to be separate phenomena, were symptoms that in fact appeared together. Brain Hurwitz explains the Essay’s achievement as a strikingly vivid and tender characterization of a complex disorder, many elements of which are recognizable by sufferers, carers and doctors today.
Brian Hurwitz is a medical General Practitioner and Professor of Medicine and the Arts and Director of the Centre of the Humanities and Health at King's College London
One in 500 people in the UK suffer from Parkinson’s Disease. 11th April is International Parkinson’s Day.
Please note: The Old Operating Theatre Museum and Herb Garret is situated in the attic of a 300 year old church and is only accessible by a 35 step spiral staircase.
Booking https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dr-james-parkinson-and-the-shaking-palsy-tickets-16172127268?aff=es2
Old Operating Theatre, Museum and Herb Garret
9a St Thomas Street, SE1 9RY
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