A great event for individuals or families. Have a fun day out and learn along the way. You'll never look at Southwark the same way again.
The event is intended to raise money for the Robes Project - a cold weather night shelter for homeless people sleeping rough.
The idea is that you ask friends/family/co-workers to sponsor your walk (either for one set amount, or for each question you get correct).
On the day, bring your sponsorship form with you and any money you've collected.
Your answers (from the questionnaire given at registration) will be graded at the end of your walk for your score. Prizes will be awarded for top scores.
Even if you have not been sponsored by people you can still just turn up on the day and participate in the walk. We only ask for any donation you're comfortable giving towards The Robes Project.
Southwark Cathedral
London Bridge, SE1 9DA
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