To mark the final weekend of Ai Weiwei's Sunflower Seeds installation in the Turbine Hall, Tate Modern is holding a free public event.
Hamish Fulton, the British artist known for his text, photographic and wall pieces, will present an action from 12 noon to 2pm entitled Slowalk (In support of Ai Weiwei).
This will be followed by a free screening of Ai Weiwei's documentary Disturbing the Peace in the Starr Auditorium at 2.30pm.
A number of participants are required for Hamish Fulton's Slowalk (In support of Ai Weiwei) Those who are interested in volunteering should email [email protected] no later than Friday 29 April for details about how to participate.
Tate says that the Release Ai Weiwei signage will remain on the front of Tate Modern until there is more news regarding the artist's arrest.
This event is related to Ai Weiwei: Sunflower Seeds
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