Tycoon, ITV's new business reality show, made its TV debut this week. The series is based in the Bargehouse at Oxo Tower Wharf on the South Bank.
Multi-millionaire Peter Jones (known for his appearances on the BBC's Dragons Den series) selected the six entrepreneurs who have been living and working in The Bargehouse – dubbed 'Tycoon Tower' by the programme-makers.
"This series is a personal challenge and risk for me as well as the entrepreneurs," says Peter Jones.
"They've got my mobile number, my email and I've told them I'm there for them 24/7.
"We're all working in the same building, Tycoon Tower, and I'm on their case daily. I even have a webcam so I can see who's working hard."
Tuesday night's debut episode was described as a "flop" by the TV trade press after overnight ratings revealed it attracted less than two million viewers.
The contestants are selling their products in a shop on the ground floor of the Bargehouse. The shop is open 10am-6pm on weekdays until Tuesday 17 July.
• Tycoon can be seen on ITV1 on Tuesdays at 9pm
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